This service is meant to provide access to DDA-funded goods and services authorized in the person-centered plan.We offer these services under OHCDS: Assistive Technology;Environmental Assessments; Environmental Modifications; Transition Services; and Transportation.
Assistive Technology Service
What does this service do?
This service supports you to maintain or improve your independent skills. This includes improving interactions, supporting meaningful relationships, and increasing your ability to live independently and be an active member of your community.
What can you get in this service?
Assistive Technology is a device or piece of equipment that helps you maintain or improve how you function in life. Examples include technology that assists with speech and communication; visual or hearing support; computer and phone devices; equipment that helps you with independent living in your home; and adapted toys and specialized equipment. This service includes an assessment of your technology needs and helps to
select, get, use and maintain the technology.
Who can get this service?
You may access assistive technology based on your assessed need for the technology. Based on your assessed need, if the assistive technology you need is more than $2,500 you must: Have documentation that the assistive technology meets your support needs. Have documentation that another funding source cannot pay for the technology you need. Show that the state or federal government approves of the technology.
Environmental Assessment
What does this service do?
This service is an assessment with you at your home to see if changes to your home or assistive technology are needed to support your independence, health or safety.
What can you get in this service?
A professional assessment from an Occupational Therapist of your needs.
Who can get this service?
This service is for people who: Have challenges getting around and using different parts of their home. Have looked at services available through the Maryland Medicaid State Plan, Division of Rehabilitation Services (DORS), the State Department of Education and the Department of Human Services.
Environmental Modifications
What does this service do?
This service supports you to add or change something in your home so that you can be more independent. It may also help you make your home safer and healthier.
What can you get in this service?
Based on your need, this service includes small changes to your home like grab bars, ramps, railings, warnings on walking surfaces, alert devices, and adaptations to electrical, phoneand lighting systems.
Who can get this service?
This service is for people who: Have accessibility needs. Have looked at services available through the Maryland Medicaid State Plan, Division of Rehabilitation Services (DORS), the State Department of Education and the Department of Human Services. Have approval for this service from a property manager or homeowner (if not owned by the person needing the service). Will live in the home for at least one (1) year.
Transition Services
What does this service do?
This service provides funding for certain expenses if you move from an institutional setting to a group home or from a provider operated home to your own home in the community.
What can you get in this service?
This service includes expenses like security deposits; fees or other deposits needed to set up utilities; and moving expenses. Please talk with your CCS about what this service does not include.
Who can get this service?
This service is for people who: Are moving from an institutional setting to a group home or provider residence to their own home in the community. Have documented in their PCP the need for this service in their PCP and discussed other requirements with their CCS. Have looked at services available through the Maryland Medicaid State Plan, Division of Rehabilitation Services (DORS), the State Department of Education and the Department of
Human Services
What does this service do?
This service helps you independently get to community activities. Your community is where you live, work, shop or spend your days. The service is provided based on the assessed need for this service in your PCP.
What can you get in this service?
This service can include learning how to move safely around the community; using mobility and volunteer transportation services; travel training, and mileage reimbursement for transportation provided by another person using their own car. It does not include travel to vacation locations or any travel that does not support community living.
Who can get this service?
This service is for people who: Have documented in their PCP the type and frequency of transportation services needed. Have looked at services available through the Maryland Medicaid State Plan, Division of Rehabilitation Services (DORS), the State Department of Education and the Department of Human Services.